
Things I like: Talks, Follows, and Tools


All-In Podcast - A captivating show featuring famous entrepreneurs in the tech space, covering economics, technology, politics, and social issues.

Lex Fridman - Engaging conversations exploring intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex hosts excellent interviews that are a must-listen.

Darknet Diaries - Dive into the intriguing world of hackers, breaches, cybercrime, and the hidden aspects of the network.

Planet Money - Stay informed about the economy with insightful stories and analysis.


ThoughtWorks Technology Radar - Discover the latest technology trends and insights every six months, based on real project experiences.

The Pragmatic Engineer - Gergely Orosz provides valuable content about the tech hiring landscape, a great resource for tech professionals.

Stratechery- Gain profound analysis of technology and media strategies, and the impact of technology on society.

Hacker News - Stay up-to-date on computer science and entrepreneurship news and discover exciting new services and projects.


Martin Fowler - A renowned author and international public speaker on software development, offering valuable insights.

@iamdevloper - Find humor and developer-related jokes in this entertaining Twitter account.

Talks & Demos

Wat by Gary Bernhardt - An entertaining and enlightening talk on peculiar behavior in code.

The Birth & Death of JavaScript by Gary Bernhardt - A thought-provoking exploration of JavaScript’s history and future.

The Mother of All Demos by Douglas Engelbart - Witness the groundbreaking demonstration that shaped modern computing.


PyCharm - A powerful Python IDE that streamlines your development workflow, offering debugging and effective application development.

Visual Studio Code - our go-to IDE for TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS development, packed with features.

Jupyter Notebooks - Embrace interactive data exploration and algorithm experimentation with Jupyter Notebooks.

tmuxp - Organize and manage Tmux sessions efficiently with this handy session manager.

pyenv - Easily manage Python versions and virtual environments from the command line.

Oh My Zsh - Enhance your ZSH shell with useful functionalities and plugins, including convenient auto-complete.

ChatGPT - Unlock the potential of your ideas and enhance your English skills with the help of this versatile language model.

CyberChef - A must-have Cyber Swiss Army Knife for developers, enabling you to handle various data transformations and manipulations with ease.

Home Network

Pi-hole - Block ads at the network level using DNS and take control of your own internal DNS entries.

OctoPrint - Discover the wonders of 3D printing with this impressive software featuring a user-friendly web interface and a supportive community.

Portainer - Seamlessly manage applications on my home server with this efficient container management solution.

Cockpit - Take charge of your home server through this web-based graphical interface, simplifying administration tasks.

OpenVPN - Securely connect to your home network with this VPN server.