
Using go/links on my home network


I first encountered “Go links” at Google. This service allows you to register URL shortcuts, and it is incredibly useful when dealing with numerous URLs.

For instance, typing go/bigquery redirects to the internal BigQuery project page documentation.

While I do make good use of browser bookmarks and URL history, typing go/cockpit is much easier to remember and type than the full URL https://cockpit.optiplex.internal:9090. The best part is that it works seamlessly on all devices.


I successfully installed the service kellegous/go on my home server using Portainer. Additionally, I’ve added a single label DNS record (go) that points to my home server IP address.

This setup allows me to use the convenient “Go links” service on my local network, making it easier to access various URLs and resources with simple and memorable shortcuts.


Creating/updating a short link

Type go/edit/my-shortcut in your browser

Visit a short link

Type go/my-shortcut in your browser

Viewing all short links

Type go/links in your browser


Go Links - Active Links
Go Links - Edit Link